ABOUT THIS FONT.... If you already have a preferred method of installation, feel free to ignore the following instructions. But please read the sections after the instructions that tell you how you can get another 25 fonts for much less than $1 a font! POSTSCRIPT INSTALLATION This new font includes matched .PFB and .PFM files. These two should be all you will need to use the font in virtually all of your Windows applications which can specify typefaces. An .AFM file is included, but you probably will not need it for your installation. The rest of this file includes: POSTSCRIPT INSTALLATION USING ATM Run ATMCNTL.EXE (or click your appropriate icon) to add the new fonts. Follow ATM instructions or check your manual. When finished, please note that you'll have to exit Windows and return to enable access to the new fonts. If you use ATM, you may have to manually edit the entry in your WIN.INI file so that your printer will download your new font whenever it's called for. If you get Courier instead of the new font, then your printer probably didn't download the file. To fix the problem, add the font's .PFB file path and name to the WIN.INI softfont entry line as in the following example: softfont42=c:\your-pfm-path\niteclub.pfm,C:\YOUR-PFB-PATH\NITECLUB.PFB The comma and all-caps section is what you'll have to add. (It's not case-sensitive.) The first half of the entry should have already been made by ATM. If your listing looks like this and you still get Courier on your printer, then the problem is something else. POSTSCRIPT INSTALLATION MANUALLY This is the method I use because I like to know exactly what's being done and that it WAS done. Using the new font "NiteClub": 1. Locate the directory that has all of your existing .PFM files and copy the new .PFM file to that directory. Locate your .PFB files and copy the new .PFB there. 2. A note about editing ".INI" files: When manually changing any Windows software xxx.INI file, you should first make a backup copy of the file in case the one you create has some problem. I also suggest that you name the backup something like xxx.BAC or xxx.ORG and keep it in the same directory. Many programs have standardized on a backup file extender of ".BAK" -- if you fall into the habit of using that one in manual backups which you make, one of these days you may have a needed backup over-written by some installation program or editor that also uses ".BAK" for its extender. After you've made a backup copy of the .INI file, load the working copy into your favorite editor for the new changes. 3. In your Windows directory (probably), locate and edit ATM.INI under [Fonts]: NiteClub=c:\your-pfm-path\niteclub.pfm,c:\your-pfb-path\niteclub.pfb The name used before the = sign is case-sensitive; the filenames after the equal sign are not. Some fonts (such as NiteClub) use upper and lower case in their names. Naturally you need to substitute your own path to the files where it indicates "your-...-path." 4. In your Windows directory, edit WIN.INI under [PostScript,LPT1] and/or any other section that has a complete listing of your fonts (for instance, if you have a second printer using the fonts). You need to increment the softfonts number by 1 for each new font added, per the following example: If your listing reads: softfonts=41 then change it to softfonts=42 Then go down past the last current listing (i.e. softfont41=xxxx) And add the following line softfont42=c:\your-pfm-path\niteclub.pfm,c:\your-pfb-path\niteclub.pfb Leave off the comma and .pfb portion if you don't want the font automatically downloaded whenever it's called for. You will then have to manually download that font or else it will print in the Courier font. (You might do this if it's a font you use a lot; you set up a routine to manually download it into your printer's "permanent" memory at the start of a session; whenever that font is asked for, Windows doesn't download it because the lack of a .pfb portion of the font entry tells Windows that it's already in the printer.) 5. You must go from Windows to DOS and then back for changes to WIN.INI and ATM.INI to take effect. If you don't, you won't see the new fonts listed as being available from your applications. 6. Depending on the application used, you may have to "refresh" the list of fonts available with the current printer selected. Sometimes just re-selecting your printer will update a font list that was not automatically updated. See your software's manual for individual commands that may be necessary to refresh a font list. YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS The only shareware fee or obligation you pay to use this font is your having had to download the archived package with this file attached. For having downloaded and read this file, you may use this new font for free, forever. You have unlimited rights to use this font in any form your software will use it ... except to create another font file. You may not do anything with the complete font file itself except install it, make backup copies, and let your software use it to format and create characters. You may not convert the font to another format and re-distribute it. Copies of the complete archived file, as you received it, including this file, may be posted on bulletin boards. You are encouraged to do so as it will encourage me to continue creating more fonts, including free fonts like this one. MY RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS This font is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any express warranty including even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. I retain ownership of the creation of this font and rights of distribution of this font in any form. Adding new fonts generally presents no bug or compatibility problems that haven't already been solved when you first installed another font. I'd be happy to respond to your messages, compliments or general b.s. posted on CompuServe (72327,1702) or America OnLine (ThomasH53). Or if you send a stamped self-addressed envelope, I'll do my best to solve your problem or answer your questions. BUY A BUNCH OF QUALITY FONTS AT CHEAP PRICES! If you use fonts and enjoy variety on your computer display or your printer output then read this offer! It's your chance to get another 25 high-quality fonts for next to nothing (... less than a buck a font). WHAT WILL THESE FONTS WILL WORK WITH? If you have Windows 3.0 and Adobe Type Manager or Windows 3.1 (with or without ATM), you can use these fonts in virtually any of your Windows applications that permit font selection. The fonts will display on-screen and can be downloaded to your printer. Each font set includes the required xxx.PFB file and xxx.PFM file for PostScript or a xxx.TTF file for TrueType usage. Use these fonts with Aldus PageMaker, Microsoft Excel, VisualBasic, presentation software, or whatever. If you use Corel Draw!, each font set includes a xxx.WFN file. This Corel font file can be used with Corel 2.x. For Corel 3.x you have the choice of using TrueType, PostScript or the original .WFN format. Of course, Corel extends your flexibility/capability with each font by giving you a nearly infinite variety of bolding, italicising, outlining, stretching, and mutilating options. Each font set also includes an xxx.AFM file in case you need it. Please note that the files include no special kerning information. All of these fonts were meant to be used for headline or design purposes. Though a few of these fonts can be satisfactorily used for text, most will appear best at 18 points and above. Manual kerning, if necessary, can be done when the fonts are used in software such as PageMaker. In Corel Draw!, there's very little need for kerning pairs information since you're often making those kinds of decisions as you design. WHERE DID THESE FONTS COME FROM? These fonts were all created in Corel Draw!, probably my favorite piece of software. I had always wanted an Egyptian Bold Condensed font for the advertising work I do in PageMaker and Corel. I finally sat down one weekend and created the font in Corel, and spent a lot of time working the bugs out of the font-generating system. Then it just kind of snowballed into 26 (and counting) fonts. Most of the fonts are unavailable elsewhere in computer-usable format, which was my intent. Subsequent to my creating a version, I've seen some of the fonts available, though certainly not at the low prices you'll pay me. Some are unavailable in any form. My fonts will not be available through any other source. They will not be released into the public domain. There's only one way to get 'em, and it'll cost you much less than a dollar a font. WHY SO CHEAP? I wanted, or needed, these fonts myself. But others may as well benefit too. I've always been on the buying end of software before, so I know how it feels. Now I'm selling ... so rather than ask $10 or even $5 for a font that's already created, I'm asking less than a dollar! I'm not gonna get rich, but maybe I'll get compensated for the weeks put in creating the fonts. IF THEY'RE THAT CHEAP, ARE THEY ANY GOOD? There have been over 5,000 downloads of the free fonts and many, many purchases of my prior offerings of 14, and then 15-font packages. The font Cairo was included on disk with the recent book "The Font Problem Solver" by David D. Busch, published by Business One Irwin. Here's some user comments: "Thanks a lot for the Comaro font, it looks great in Corel...." C.J., Sheffield, England "Love that Coliseo!!" R.J., Woodbury, CT "I just got your set of incredibly inexpensive fonts. Please let me know when you are bringing out more fonts." C.G., CompuServe message "I downloaded one of your (fonts) from recently and would very much like to have the other 13." V.W., Finland "My sex life has really improved since I started using your fonts." (Not!) T.H., Clearwater, FL WHAT FONTS ARE AVAILABLE? Copy the file FONTSHOW.EXE to some temporary directory with about 350K available. Run the file. It will self-extract into a CardFile file. Open up Windows CardFile and take a look at all the fonts you'll get. By the way, if the bitmap font name is in all upper case, then the font is upper case only (plus numerals, punctuation, etc.) If the name is upper and lower case, then the font has both character sets. If you're interested in having a custom font made, perhaps of your own hand printing, write or e-mail me. I've already made some custom fonts and can do one for you for less than you may have seen advertised. DON'T I ALREADY HAVE ONE OF THESE FONTS? Only the BeesWax, Cairo, Comaro, Coliseum and Marbold fonts were posted over the past year on CompuServe and America OnLine. If you've downloaded any of those, here's your chance to get the ones you've missed with no on-line charges. BeesWax, Cairo and Comaro have been updated to add the British Pound character, some other characters, and some character revisions or clean-ups. WHAT DO I GET? All 25 fonts in PostScript, Type 1 format or TrueType format. Either format includes a matching set of Corel .WFN files. You have the right to use the fonts for anything for which you would use any other font. Of course you can't re-sell or pass on the fonts themselves. You may not give copies to friends (let 'em send their own checks!). You may not load the purchased fonts onto any bulletin board. Please DO load this free archived font package on any bulletin board you'd like to. (Be sure that you upload the complete, original archived package.) You'll also get the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping to save a marriage by allowing me to show my wife the checks as justification for all the time I put in at my 286. These fonts are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty including even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. YOU HAVE A FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE IF THESE FONTS DO NOT WORK AS DESCRIBED! HOW MUCH? You can have all 25 fonts, in either format, for $15 total, shipping & handling included. For both PostScript and TrueType formats, send $20. Disk cost is included with your choice of 5 1/4 or 3 1/2, at no extra charge. Canadians please send U.S. denomination postal money order available from your post office. Upgrades: If you've ordered any fonts from me before, send just $5 and I'll send you the newer fonts in your proper format. HOW DO I ORDER? 1. Print the following portion of this file and then fill it out. Hey, Tom. Your eyes must be really sore after making 26 neat fonts. Take a break and send me some of them! Name: Address: City/State/Zip/(Country): Disk size: ___ 5 1/4" ___ 3 1/2" Format: ___ PostScript and Corel .WFN ___ TrueType and Corel .WFN ___ PostScript, TrueType, Corel .WFN I got this promotional file from: __ CompuServe __ America OnLine __ Local BBS __ GEnie __ A friend 2. Rip off the above information. 3. Make your check out to "Thomas E. Harvey" 4. Enclose check and order in an envelope addressed to... Thomas E. Harvey 420 Bayshore Blvd., #206 Clearwater, FL 34619 5. Your order will be in the mail by the next day. THANK YOU. I DO APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! Thomas E. Harvey November 1, 1992